C-K’INGDOM Live Room (14)|Energy-saving, carbon reduction, green development in C-KINGDOM


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C-KINGDOM live studio (14) | energy saving, carbon reduction and green development in C-KINGDOM(图1)

On August 23, the 2021 Hunan Province Energy Conservation Publicity Week was launched in Changsha. The publicity week aims to thoroughly implement President Xi Jinping's thought on ecological civilization, promote all-round green economic and social transformation, help achieve carbon peak and carbon neutral, and advocate and create a new green lifestyle.

C-KINGDOM live studio (14) | energy saving, carbon reduction and green development in C-KINGDOM(图2)

As a leading enterprise in the development of circular economy industry in Hunan Province, C-KINGDOM Group was awarded as "Typical Case of Resource Recycling in Hunan Province" in 2020.

Now, C-KINGDOM has integrated the ecological concept of "lucid waters and lush mountains are like gold and silver mountains" into the whole industrial chain, turning every day into Tree planting Day, and handing over an answer of The Times to realize "energy saving, carbon reduction and green development".
